1. What is the best way to help homeless youth end the cycle of homelessness?
2. What do you believe are the main factors that lead children to become homeless?
3. What organizations are available to homeless youth to help them get back on their feet?
4. Why do you believe that children who have been on the street, but are able to get off of it for a period of time, have a higher or lower chance of living on the street again?
5. How effective do you believe transitional living programs are?
6. Please tell me of any stories of homeless youth who have undergone transitional living programs?
7. Why do you believe the homeless youth who undergo these transitional living programs either regress back to living on the streets, or are able to stay off of them?
8. What is your opinion on homeless youth attending counseling sessions? Why?
9. How do you believe homeless children are affected by having some form of shelter while they are living on the streets, regardless of the shelter's stability, durability, etc? Why?
10. If a homeless child is placed in an environment where children who are not homeless are present (such as a school) how do you believe this will affect the homeless child?
11. Why do you believe that some people may say that there are some cases of children who would actually be better off living on the streets than trying to get off of them? What is your personal opinion about this statement?
12. How important do you believe it is for homeless youth to be in school?
13. What benefits can homeless youth gain from being in school?
14. How can we help homeless youth be less truant to school?
15. If a homeless child has missed school and social interactions due to moving around a lot, how hard do you believe it is to integrate the child back into school?
16. What special programs or organizations specifically geared towards helping homeless youth succeed in school do you know of? How do these programs help these children?
17. What struggles do you think homeless youth face in school as opposed to those who are not homeless?
18. How do you feel about homeless youth wanting to get off the street on their own (without enlisting the help of others to do so)?
19. How do you believe we can motivate homeless youth to want to get off the streets?
20. What do you believe is the number one thing homeless youth, or people who were once homeless youth, NOT do in order to not regress to living on the streets?